The Incredible Story of HOLYGEMS
Discover the miraculous 20 years journey that led to the discovery of the first ever precious gems deposit in the Holy Land of Israel, and how HOLYGEMS, the exclusive custodian of these divine gems, has evolved into a luxury brand renowned in the world for its extremely rare gems, unparalleled gem-origin traceability, meaningful jewelry, and exceptional craftsmanship.

Mining Miracles
In 1988, in Brooklyn, New York, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our generation, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, said that God did a wondrous thing, and concealed precious gems deep in the north of the land of Israel.
The late Mr. Avi Taub, a faithful follower of the Rebbe, decided to embark on a journey that no one had attempted before, and to find the precious stones that the Rebbe spoke of.
For over 20 years he searched and never gave up, despite the unbearable difficulties, and the skepticism of the scientists.
And mainly by the power of faith, in 2019 he proved the existence of a deposit of precious gems, which the scientists themselves defined as extraordinary in their uniqueness.
Unfortunately, Mr. Taub passed away suddenly several months before the State of Israel officially approved his discovery, and did not get to enjoy its fruits in this world.
But his loving children, who worked with him over the years, took it upon themselves to realize their father's dream, and reveal these divine gems to the world by HOLYGEMS.
Precious gems from the most sacred source in the world
A gemstone (also called a fine gem, precious stone, or simply gem - meaning anything other than diamonds) is a piece of mineral crystal which, when cut or polished and sometimes in its raw form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. The characteristics that lend value to gemstones are mostly their durability, rarity, origin and other physical properties that have aesthetic value.
The precious gems inlaid in the HOLYGEMS adornments, are sourced from the biblical Land of Israel - traditionally known as the Holy-Land and considered sacred to the believers in the God of Abraham. These gems include mainly: blue, green and yellow Sapphire; red and burgundy Garnet; black Spinel.
Also featuring the incredibly rare Carmel-Sapphire (IMA Mineral of the year) found to this day in the world only in the Land of Israel - A precious gem whose very formation was defined by scientists as a miracle - meaning that its very existence is further proof of the uniqueness of the Holy Land.

Our Team
The HOLYGEMS group, consisting of the first mining project of its kind in Israel, and the only jewelry brand in the world under which the rare gems from Israel are sold to the market - is currently managed by the Taub family and Co., in harmonious cooperation, driven by a deeply meaningful mission.
Mine to Market Strategy
The HOLYGEMS group is operates in accordance with a "mine to market" strategy, which allows full control over market & trade of the rare gems mined from Israel, and full transparency and traceability of the precious gem from the depths of Holy Land to the customer's hand.
FOX NEWS: "Bible comes to life as precious gems discovered for first time in Israel"
Family sells first gems found in Israel, fufilling a prophecy in the book of Isaiah
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