World Events

Sparks of inspiration in the Knesset

An event was held in the Knesset to honor the Chabad movement and its leader, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, with the participation of about 500 rabbis and Chabad emissaries, directors of the many educational institutions and charities, and dozens of ministers and Knesset members from all factions of the House. The opening remarks were made by the Speaker of the Knesset, MK Amir Ohana, who opened his remarks with a story about the Rebbe, who after being asked how he doesn’t get tired all day welcoming people and helping and he answered that “when you count diamonds you don’t get tired“.

The chairman of Chabad mobility in Israel, the famous “tanks”, Rabbi David Nachshon, noted the “devotion of the emissaries who give their whole hearts to every Jew, regardless of their opinions or situation”.

At the opening of the conference, a video was shown showing interviews with past and present heads of state, testifying in the first person to the Rebbe’s wonderful abilities and his comprehensive knowledge of all matters of the people of Israel in Israel and abroad.

The Chabadnik Taub family, who manage the HOLYGEMS company that was invited to the event, being one of the most recent proofs of the correctness of the Rebbe’s words (the company found an economic deposit of gems for the first time in Israel, based on what the Rebbe said) – presented a gift to the Speaker of the Knesset, for display purposes, of a gold jewel in the shape of the Land of Israel set with a red garnet type stone cut exclusively from the Land of Israel.

The directors of the company also met with ministers and members of the Knesset, who were impressed and promised to come and visit the company’s plant and visitor center in Acre, and were very excited by the existence of Israel’s new natural treasure, which was discovered thanks to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and after over 20 years of research and development based on permits and licenses from the Ministry of Energy .